Tica Taca for iOS.
Like Tic Tac Toe, only better!
See Tica Taca in the iOS App Store:
Tica Taca
"It's like Tic Tac Toe, only better!"
Tica Taca elevates the familiar Tic Tac Toe to an exciting game of strategy that
can be learned in seconds, but will take a lifetime to master!
The rules are simple: it's like your old friend Tic Tac Toe, except...
- You must get 4 in a row.
- The board can be any size from 4x4 to 9x9.
- There can be any number from 2-9 players.
But that makes all the difference!
To get a feel for the game, try it on a 5x5 board against 2 robot opponents.
Once you get the hang of it, try different sized boards or number of opponents.
Invite your friends!
TicaTaca uses Bonjour to allow multiple nearby iOS devices to participate over the network.
Tica Taca is a product of
produced by Ted Oliverio.
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